Length of the fingersWomen with a shorter index finger than ring finger are at a double risk of developing osteoarthritis in older age. In men, the size of these two fingers isn’t different. However, in women, this can indicate decreased estrogen levels, which lowers the risk of bones diseases. In order to prevent the occurrence of the above-mentioned disease, you need to exercise regularly and regulate your calcium intake.
BRA SIZEA study published in the Canadian Journal of Medicinal Association wrote that women with D bra size in the age of 20 are more likely to suffer from diabetes type 2 than those with smaller bra size. This statement was explained by saying that the fat tissue in breasts is sensitive to hormones, which affects insulin resistance. Diabetes can be treated with healthy diets, regular workouts and balanced weight.
LEG LENGTHPeople who have shorter legs should take more care about the condition of their liver, as advised by the British experts. They discovered that the women who’s legs are 50 to 73 cm long at average, have bigger values of the liver enzymes that lead to disease of this organ. This condition can be stopped with balanced intake of alcohol and other toxins.
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