While we sleep we often do things that we are unaware of unless there is someone watching us who will tell us. One of those things is drooling. It is very common and perfectly normal thing to do. In fact, it is very beneficial for your health, even more than you may think.
It happens that after a good rest, you wake up and feel that the area where your head rested, has drool. Many believe that this must be a taboo since on several occasions they have come to mock someone for this action. However, you must feel lucky to belong to a certain group of people.
The action of drooling when sleeping is a sign that the dream was quite positive and that the body is resting very well. There are several phases of sleep, however, it is known as REM or rapid eye movement to the phase that allows you a restful and deep sleep.
When you drool, it means that the REM phase is being uninterrupted, so you do not have any sleep problems, you do not have interruptions or disturbances of it. In this way, you can sleep and rest your body as very few do.
If on the other hand, you do not drool, it can be a sign that your sleep habits are affected throughout the night and rest is insufficient. Remember that for a good personal and professional development is essential to rest. If you have a sleep disorder, do not hesitate to see a trusted doctor.
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